Material Design Icons Windows

All themes are pixel-perfect at 24×24 pixels.Material icon pack succeeds the previous icon pack for Android, Ice Cream.The Icons8 team created all the icons in-house. Our senior icon designer, Alex, started it immediately after iOS 7 release and keeps drawing and supervising it to this day. Presenting you a list of Best Websites To Download Free Material Design Icons.The following list has been composed out of websites which genuinely provides material design icon sets, and other good icon sets, like: flat icons, colored icons, vector icons, line icons, etc.

Comprehensive and easy to use Material Design theme and control library for the Windows desktop.

Material Design Icons Github

  • Material Design styles for all major WPF Framework controls
  • Additional controls to support the theme, including Multi Action Button, Cards, Dialogs, Clock
  • Easy configuration of palette (at design and runtime), according to Google's guidelines
  • Full Material Design Icons icon pack
  • Easy transition effects
  • Compatible with Dragablz, MahApps
  • Demo applications included in the source project
  • Checkout the Super Quick Start
  • Or, the more comprehensive Starting Guide guide.
  • Or, watch the Material Design In XAML Toolkit An Introduction video.
  • Take 5 minutes to download the source from right here and run up the two demo projects in the solution.
  • Download the source and run the demo (compiling source requires VS2017+).
  • Download a pre-compiled demo from the releases page.
  • Checkout doobry.
  • Checkout F1ix.
  • Checkout Motion List.

To load the source project you will need Visual Studio 2017. Don't worry if you have an earlier version, you can still use the compiled assemblies from NuGet (Install-Package MaterialDesignThemes). There are two demo projects in the solution, restore the necessary NuGet packages and correct the programming syntax that is not compatible with C# versions lower than C# 7.0 (currently used in Visual Studio 2017). Then, you should be able to fire both of these projects up. One is a 'pure' Material Design project, the other illustrates how to combine with Dragablz & MahApps.

Material Design Icons Windows
  • Before contributing code read the Contribution Guidelines
    • GitHub issues are for bugs.
    • For queries, help, and general chat stop by the Gitter chat room.
    • Stack Overflow tag: material-design-in-xaml
  • Want to say thanks?
    • Hit the ⭐️ Star ⭐️ button
    • If you'd like to make a very much appreciated financial donation please visit open collective
  • Logo courtesy of GitHub user Snalty, and you can see more of him;
  • on his blog
  • and on Twitter
  • Marc Angers - I pulled some of his shadows straight in from this blog post
  • Icon pack sourced from Material Design Icons
  • Utilises ControlzEx
  • Ignace Maes, whose Material Skin project inspired the original material design theme for Dragablz, which in turn led to me starting this project
  • Material Design Extensions is a community repository based on this library that provides additional controls and features.
  • Contributors! Thanks for the PRs which have helped add some extra polish.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


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Material Design In XAML Toolkit

Welcome the one of the most comphrensive and easy to use Material Design UI libraries across any platform.

With Material Design In XAML Toolkit you can easily bring beautiful desktop applications to life, using a modern and popular design language.

Fully open source and one of the most popular GUI libraries for WPF, the library is also compatible with MahApps and Dragablz.


  • Styles and variations for the majority of standard WPF controls
  • Many more additional controls to support the Material Design aesthetic and flow
  • Easy configuration of Material Design Colour palettes at both design and run time
  • Transitions API for easy build GUI animations
  • Works stand-alone, and also compatible with other popular WPF frameworks, MahApps and Dragablz
  • MVVM framework agnostic
In addition to standard control themes the kit contains new controls to help deliver a full Material Design experience, including: clocks, drawers, dialogs, floating action buttons, chips, and more.
Two demos are included in the source code, which can be downloaded from GitHub and run with VS2015 and above.
F1ix uses the Transitions API to bring alive various statistics about Formula 1 racing.
doobry, a SQL editor for Azure's DocumentDb NoSQL database utilises the toolkit to produce a fluid, bold, and engaging interface.
Getting started bringing Material Design to your WPF apps takes minutes, follow this guide and dive in, and if you want, join our community. This is our 'super quick start' guide. A more comprehensive getting started guide can be found on our Wiki, and we highly recommend you download and run the demo application contained within the source code.

Start a new project, and install from NuGet. From the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio type:

Material Design App Icons

PM> Install-Package MaterialDesignThemes

Edit your App.xaml as follows:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Application . . .>
<ResourceDictionary Source='pack://application:,/MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf;component/Themes/MaterialDesignTheme.Light.xaml' />
<ResourceDictionary Source='pack://application:,/MaterialDesignThemes.Wpf;component/Themes/MaterialDesignTheme.Defaults.xaml' />
<ResourceDictionary Source='pack://application:,/MaterialDesignColors;component/Themes/Recommended/Primary/MaterialDesignColor.DeepPurple.xaml' />
<ResourceDictionary Source='pack://application:,/MaterialDesignColors;component/Themes/Recommended/Accent/MaterialDesignColor.Lime.xaml' />
Material design app icons

Edit MainWindow.xaml to following:

<Window . . .
TextElement.Foreground='{DynamicResource MaterialDesignBody}'
Background='{DynamicResource MaterialDesignPaper}'
FontFamily='{DynamicResource MaterialDesignFont}'>
<materialDesign:Card Padding='32' Margin='16'>
<TextBlock>My First Material Design App</TextBlock>

Hit F5, viola!

There's several things you will want to think about; your palette, the structure of your UI, and what additional features can Material Design in XAML Toolkit bring to your application?

There's plenty to explore to get your creativity in gear. We strongly suggest you download the demo and have an explore around all the things on offer; new styles, controls, transitions, dialogs and more. It's also worth checking out some of the articles on the Wiki.

Lastly, you can join the Gitter chantroom; stop by, say hello, and ask for help....everyon is welcome!

Material Icon Pack

  • To download the source and included demo, visit GitHub
  • To chat visit Gitter