Virtual Usb Multikey Windows 10

Active2 years, 1 month ago

How to install HASP MultiKey USB Dongle Emulator on Windows 7 64 bit Hello everyone, yesterday my friend asked me to help him to eliminate a HASP dongle from his PC. His PC was installed Strand7 and it needs a USB dongle which has type HASP to work exactly. Virtual Usb Multikey 64bit Driver Windows 10 - Virtual Usb Multikey 64bit Driver Windows 10.

How can I make a virtual USB drive in Windows? Can it be done with DAEMON Tools or something like that?

The reason is that I need the USB drive to use them instead of a physical USB. Sometimes I need to load certificate from USB but I left it at home and when I'm on the job I want to make a virtual USB and put on them certificate, so how can I do that?

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Multikey X64 Usb Emulator

Virtual usb multikey windows 10 0

1 Answer

You can use ImDisk to create a removable USB drive

How to install

  • For a CMD version download ImDisk Toolkit, extract it with 7-zip and copy these 2 files

  • For a GUI version download ImDisk Toolkit and just install it

Instalar Virtual Usb Multikey Windows 10

Further links

  • Full command line syntax :
  • Support forum:

protected by bwDracoDec 29 '15 at 4:37

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