Major Works Data Sheet Macbeth

Major Works Data Sheet Macbeth

Macbeth Major Works Notes1. Title: The Tragedy of Macbeth, Author: William Shakespeare, Nationality: English, Date of original publication: 1623, no translator (“SparkNotes”)2. Setting: Macbeth took place during the eleventh century (The Middle Ages) (“SparkNotes”), briefly in England, but mainly in Scotland. The social environment valued friendship among free, white, and relatively equal men. There was a significant amount of religious conflict, women were held as inferior to men, and the monarch was an important figurehead. The atmosphere of the book is quite dark. For the most part, Macbeth’s ambition terrifies himself because he fears the consequences of his evil deeds. Therefore, this tragic play has a sinister atmosphere of despair. Macbeth is haunting and ominous, significant in the way it portrays Macbeth as a crazed lunatic with a dangerous ambition. Shakespeare wrote the play for his new patron, James VI of Scotland, honoring him through Banquo. The play still holds significance today as it teaches people to beware of dark power and extreme ambition.3. Structure: Chronological Order, Point of View: Since it is a play, there is no single point of view—the point of view shifts from character to character. However, if it were read, it could be viewed as third person omniscient. The chronological order and many points of views allow the reader to experience Macbeth’s path towards insanity and corruption and his influence on others.4. Plot synopsis: Macbeth and

Major Works Data Sheet Macbeth 2


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Characteristics of Author’s Style: irony and paradox.Find a strong example of that technique in the novel and copy it down exactly. Include the Act, scene and line number. English Lit & Comp – Mr. Rose Name: LITERARY ANALYSIS. DATA SHEET – Macbeth. Provide a brief synopsis (include exposition, main conflict(s), climax, resolution, and major plot points). Summer Reading & Major Works Data Sheet 2018-19. Farewell Speech-These speeches must be conducted by Friday, May 25. Speeches will be given during the last week of classes. Sample Outlines. Paired Poetry Prompt: You should probably spend no more than an hour total on this assignment. Read and annotate the prompt for no more than ten minutes.