Organic Chemistry Questions And Answers Pdf

    1. Answer :

      The nitrogen is bonded to three CH3 groups and has a lone pair, so the hybridisation is sp3.

    2. Answer :

      Two positional isomer A and B & two Stereoisomer of each so, total 4 isomers.

    3. Chemical Interview Questions
    4. Answer :

      cyclotetrane, because of the double bonds are not conjugation

    5. Answer :

      Number of Sigma bonds present in Benzene are same as Borazine (inorganic Benzene).

      no. of sigma bonds in Benzene= 12 (C6H6)
      no. of sigma bonds in Borazine= 12 (B3N3H6)

    6. Answer :


    7. BioChemistry Interview Questions
    8. Answer :

      Rotenone, Azadirachtin are natural insecticides, synthetic routes are deveoped recently.

      DDT, Gammaxene were used but were scraped out as they pose health hazards and are insects are able sustain the max. dosages every year. Generally, Semio-chemicals, a class of compounds found in insects themselves are being studied and used as effective insecticides and warfare agents.

    9. Answer :

      1. Monounsaturated fat: This is a type of fat found in a variety of foods and oils.
      2. Polyunsaturated fat: This is a type of fat found in plant-based foods and oils.They can be divided into two groups known as omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats.
      3. Omega-3 fatty acids: One type of polyunsaturated fat made up of mainly omega-3 fatty acids and may be beneficial to heart.
      4. Omega-6 fats decrease risk of heart disease when they are consumed in place of saturated and trans fats.
    10. Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
    11. Answer :

      IN coordinate covalent bond electrons which are shared by both the atoms are comtributed by only one atom . This is otherwise known as dative bond.

      In covalent bond the electrons shared by both the atoms are contributed by both the atoms equally.

    12. Answer :

      when alcohols reats with aminoacids esters are formed. The esters are volatile in contrast to free aminoacids.

      R-CH-COOH + H2O-C2H5 -> R-CH-COO-C2H5 + H2O
      NH2 NH2

    13. Quality Control Chemist Interview Questions
    14. Answer :

      Ligases are the group of enzymes that catalyse the transfer of a group from one kind of molecule to another. These are also called transferases.

    15. Answer :

      its the structure of amino acid glacine

    16. Chemical Engineering Interview Questions
    17. Answer :

      temperature, pH, structure of compound i.e., whether the compd is straight chain or branched & molecular weight of compd.

    18. Chemical Interview Questions
    19. Answer :

      Geometrical isomerism is an example of stereo-isomerism.

      This occurs when substances have the same molecular formula, but a different arrangment of their atoms in space. There are three ways that this can happen:

      where there is a C=C bond in the molecule;
      where a molecule has rings; or
      where there is a >C=N bond.

    20. Answer :

      Proteins are precipitated from aqueous solution by high concentrations of neutral salts. This is the'salting -out' process.

      Divalent and trivalent ions are more effective than univalent ions.

      The salts commonly used for this purpose are NA2SO4,(NH4) 2SO4 Magnesium salts, and phosphates.

    21. Answer :

      When fats are hydrolysed with alkhali,the free fatty acids react with alkali to form metallic acids.these salts are soaps and this process is called saponification.

    22. Polymer Chemistry Interview Questions
    23. Answer :

      The quantitative measure of the affinity of a compound to lose or gain electrons is the redox potential.

    24. Answer :

      Lithipone is a white is amixture of BaSO4&ZnS.

    25. Chemistry Interview Questions
    26. Answer :

      Anti aromatic compounds follows 4npi electron rule and are cyclic compounds, planar, where as non aromatic are non planar or planar, cyclic or acyclic.

    27. BioChemistry Interview Questions
    28. Answer :

      • uv lamp range is 200 nm to 340 nm.
      • vis lamp range is 320 nm to 1100 nm.

      both of lamp range is mfg instument company voice of record is enculd the data range in lamp is 200 nm to 1200 nm.

    29. Answer :

      If benzene and toluene mixed the boiling point will be ~ 90oC. Density will not change.

    30. Chemical reaction Interview Questions
    31. Answer :

      in p-nitrobenzoic acid due to -I effect of nitro group hydrogen present in acia become more elecronegative and easily remove as proton and act like strong acid.

    32. Answer :

      There no difference between procedure, both are same. we generally term it as sulphated ash test/ indian pharmacoepia, called it as roi and in usp, called it as sulphated ash tesh. both are used for the determination of content of inorganic matter in an organic substance.

    33. Answer :

      high molecular weight easily we can seperate koH

    34. Answer :

      PVC-POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AND uPVC IS THE Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride IT IS USED FOR building industry as a low-maintenance material.

    35. Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
    36. Answer :

      Organic Chemistry is a branch of Science, which deals study about carbon compounds except Carbon monoxide, Carbon di oxide and corbonates.

    37. Answer :

      Kerosine oil

    38. Answer :

      An ion is a specie that have no unpaired electron and is charged, either positively or negatively i.e. may be a cation or an anion. It is formed due to heterolysis of a molecule

      e.g HCl----> H+ + Cl-

      A radical is a neutral specie having atleast one unpaired electron and is formed due to homolysis of a molecule

      e.g H-H -------> H* + H*

      The * shows an unpaired electron. Similarly CH3* is a radical.

    39. Quality Control Chemist Interview Questions
    40. Answer :

      from directly reaction of toluene to cromyl chloride (CrO2Cl2) at room temp. to form benzaldehyde.

    41. Answer :

      Take 100ml water and pore 10gr NaOH pellets sterr with gently boil. NaOH sol ready.

    42. Answer :

      By Fluorescein test ... where tartaric acid ' used in baking powder and found in many food products

      oxalic acid : harmful in contact with skin or eyes toxic .remove Ca ions From blood and also block Kidneys Fluoresce in test depended on Light passes & usually in UV light

Organic Chemistry 32-235 Practice Questions for Exam #2 Part 1: (Circle only ONE choice, circling more than one will be counted as wrong!) 4 points each 1. The List of 50 important Chemistry Questions and Answers is given here for download in PDF. Candidates those who are preparing for SSC CGL and all other competitive exams can use these questions. Feb 21, 2014  Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions; Question 25. What Mean By Organic Chemistry? Answer: Organic Chemistry is a branch of Science, which deals study about carbon compounds except Carbon monoxide, Carbon di oxide and corbonates. Which Organic Compound Is Used As A Fuel In Jet Air Crafts?

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Organic Chemistry Questions And Answers Pdf
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